Mistress - Learn getting shit out ass to feed yourself [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

Mistress - Learn getting shit out ass to feed yourself [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

Well, toilet bitch. Today you have happy day, today you will learn fisting a slave in dirty ass full of shit. You have to be able to do everything, not only open your mouth under the ass and accept shit out of there, but also getting the shit out of ass on your own to feed yourself. Today I will give you this opportunity, put your hand in the ass of slave and take out his shit, taste it, smears on yourself and eat. Quickly dived face in his dirty ass, lick the shit out of there. Now let's get to the sweet stuff. Smear his cock in shit and suck. With shit it tastes better, like a shitty lollipop. Enjoy the shit as long as I'm kind
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MilanaSmelly - Karina poops after bathing in slave’s mouth [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

MilanaSmelly - Karina poops after bathing in slave’s mouth [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

Every time I look forward to this day. Several times a month Mistress Karina invites me to her apartment, as a slave who will provide her comfort and pleasure. I have to fulfill a variety of duties. Serving Mistress Karina as a toilet is one of my responsibilities during these meetings. This time Karina decided to take a bath, and I had to serve the girl during this procedure. And I got great pleasure from the fact that I could once again admire the beautiful young body of Mistress, her breasts, her ass. Mistress Karina is a very beautiful girl. I was in seventh heaven with happiness when Mistress allowed me to smell her panties, and then wash them while she takes a bath. The toilet slave has no right to touch Mistress’ body with his hands. But this time, a small exception was made for me. Mistress Karina allowed me to dry her body with a towel after she finished washing. Touching her body, albeit through a towel, is what I have long dreamed of. And my dream has finally come true. I figured that Karina would want to use the toilet later. However, she had a very hearty dinner the night before, and she really wanted to shit. Karina decided to use me as a toilet right in the bathroom. Without getting out of the bath, she positioned her anus in front of my mouth. A huge long turd filled my mouth, and then, like a snake, in a spiral, lay on my face. I havn’t tasted such good-tasting shit for a long time. It was especially pleasing that there was a lot of it. Karina left to relax on the sofa, and I stayed in the bathroom, eating the rest of her fragrant shit.
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MistressEvilyne - My Shit All Over Your Cock And Face [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

MistressEvilyne - My Shit All Over Your Cock And Face [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

Sometimes, I like to dress up in rubber and put on a French accent. Mett My alter ego Miss Pink. She is a veeery dirty girl, and here is what she has to say about this video:I love using human toilets so much. I have decided to share my love with the world. This is my first ever scat clip. I hope you like it. I make my toilet slave suck and lick my ass while I prepare to take a huge dump on his face. The shit is so big that I pick it up and rub it all over his cock and I make him jerk off while I blow cigarette smoke onto his face and make him breather it in through his shitty mouth. He is so turned on he cums all over himself from his shitty cock.t All Scat Videos on this site are GUARANTED 100% real, no cheap fake shit making DepScat.com the best of the best!
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Mistrss Gaia - Scat hors d'oeuvre [HD 720p] Stuhlgang Porno

Mistrss Gaia - Scat hors d'oeuvre [HD 720p] Stuhlgang Porno

My slave is in the dungeon and he's going to worship me. I have told him if he pleases me, he may be rewarded. I begin by getting him to lick my shoes. I have a riding crop in my hand to make sure he knows what I want. I then tell him to lie on the floor while I bind his hands and feet together. He's going to experience the luxury of having my beautiful ass in his face. I want him to enjoy eating my shit. As I sit over him I order him to open his mouth nice and wide. He must be ready to receiveve my scat. After I have made sure he has enough, I tell him to keep chewing, he must not waste any or I'll punish him. I notice his cock is erect, so I slip a condom over it. As he chews on my scat I give him a couple of lashes with my riding crop. As I take a tight hold of his cock, he begins to tremble. I know he is desperate to cum. However, not until he has completely finished eating all my delicious shit. While he enjoys chewing the last piece of shit, I give him a handjob telling him he can cum. Afte he's finished, I r.move the condom and squeez his cum into his mouth. What a treat for my scat slut. He will surely remember his delicious scat hors d'oeuvre from Mistress Gaia.
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This slave really needed a lesson. So I decided to humiliate him with my piss and my shit. This human toilet had forgotten his true nature. The next time I'm sure he will be more respectful and will behave better.Questo schiavo aveva proprio bisogno di una bella lezione. Cos? ho deciso di umiliarlo con il mio piscio e la mia merda. Questo cesso umano aveva dimenticato la sua vera natura. La prossima volta sono sicura che sar? pi? rispettoso e sapr? comportarsi meglio.
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kinkpeek - Human Toilet Paper 1-5 – Brown Tongue [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

kinkpeek - Human Toilet Paper 1-5 – Brown Tongue [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

20 Year-old budding Dominatrix Lady Sinthia Payne is training Her slave to love the smell and taste of EVERYTHING that comes from Her Goddess body. She starts this clip on the toilet, relieving Herself of Her *ahem* solid-waste, when She comes up with the idea to make Her slave clean up Her dirty asshole afterward. She hides the toilet paper and summons “bitch-boy” into the bathroom.She asks him why he wan’t at Her feet while She was on the toilet, because She wants to start his toilet training today. He is confused and asks “where’s the toilet paper, Mistress?”. She informs him that he will be doing the cleaning “with your tongue”. She stands up and spreads Her magnificent cheeks apart, exposing Her filthy asshole to the whining slave. He slowly approaches as She threatens him if he doesn’t. “Really get in there!” She orders him as he gags at the taste. She continues to tell him that She expects it to be spotless. Great close-ups of the slave’s tongue going directly into Her dirty anus – She even farts in his face! Finally, he announces that it’s clean, so She tests this by wiping deeply. Unfortunately for the slave, the toilet paper is NOT clean, and so She informs him of his forthcoming punishment “we’ll have to have some fun later”.Princess Veronica Valentine and Mistress Sailor Luna are training their slave to love all things ASS. They have already punished him whenever he gets hard for pussy, and then rewarded him and stimulated his worthless cock when his tongue was tasting a Mistress’ delicious rosebud. The two gorgeous, budding young Female Supremacists approach the bound and blindfolded slave. They explain to him that now that they’ve been successful in re-orienting him to LOVE the taste of a Goddess’ anus, they are taking his Ass Re-Orientation training to its logical, final conclusion: turning him into a full human toilet! They tell the slave since he’s always been a big brown noser, this is a perfect role for him. Princess Veronica announces this as She lowers Her filthy ass to the un-suspecting slave’s mouth.He recoils, gags and screams but She isn’t in the mood for it; when She finds he isn’t licking up Her caviar She orders him to get his tongue deep in Her asshole, as Mistress Luna jacks his pathetic cock. The slave has no choice but to start licking Her gorgeous but dirty ass, licking up every morsel of Her precious waste.Mistress Luna is next, and starts by making the slave suck out Her filthy panties (the Ladies clearly used no toilet paper). The slave is gagging and retching and is probably better off not seeing the filthy mess that he is consuming; She makes him hold his tongue out so She can clean the mess in the crotch of the truly disgusting panties. She leaves them on his for to keep him company as they leave the humiliated slave – now a toilet slave – for the night. Not for the squeamish, but we feel most toilet slaves will make this clip a prized part of their collection. As hardcore as it gets.It’s 3am and Mistress Luna has been out all night, drinking too much whisky and partying with Her boyfriend, before getting a little bit sick (Whisky gives Her the runs) and Her and Her boyfriend fucked multiple times, with him cumming inside Her multiple times. She is still tipsy but is really messy and requires Her slave – who is bound securely to the Queening/Facesitting chair – to lick BOTH of Her filthy holes clean.A double treat for the lucky slave, a “Chocolate Cream Pie”. To make it even more humiliating for the hapless loser, She is going to film him doing it Herself – to send to his girlfriend and his friends, so they can see what he dumped her to do for Mistress Luna. The ungrateful slave screams and cries but She will have none of it, and simply plants Her filthy anus directly onto his mouth, forcing him to “…lick harder, licker faster, lick stronger, lick deeper…lick better for ME…” and “…GET IT, GET IT ALL”. He is retching and gagging, but She will not let him stop until Her rosebud is spotless (we think he missed a spot in the back).Mistress Luna then reverses direction and has the slave start eating Her glorious Womanhood; which seems to have very little cum in it…but it was just deep inside Her, as She pushes and that starts a flow of thick, viscous and “chunky” cum, that the lucky slave ungratefully gags on…which only pushes Mistress Luna to dig Her fingers deep inside, on a mission, to find MORE creamy goodness for the licking loser’s dinner. A really nasty clip.Mistress Stephie Staar has been progressively training Her slave to be a full toilet, and has lately been depriving him of food in order to “stimulate” his appetite. When She enters the dungeon, the slave is bound to the bondage bench and when She announces that She’s brought dinner from “Taco B*ll”, he gets excited, but when She mounts his helpless form and Her magnificent ass descends upon his hapless face, he realizes that this is a “recycled” dinner. He pleads and begs Her: “Please Mistress, don’t make me do this!”, but Mistress Stephie tells him “C’mon, it’s delicious, I thought you were hungry? Get your tongue out and lick it up! You don’t want to be ungrateful, do you?. Great close-ups of the slave’s brown tongue, as he licks and sucks up the sticky mess. He is choking and gagging but knows there is no use, so he keeps doing his cleaning duty. Mistress repeatedly asks him if it’s clean, but She tells him “it better be, or you’ll get the cane”. After the outside is completely cleaned, he then goes to work on the inside. Mistress tells him to “point your tongue” and get all of the morsels deep inside Her delicious rectum.
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Toilet Humiliation - 2 Scat Doms use their Toilet Slave [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

Toilet Humiliation - 2 Scat Doms use their Toilet Slave [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

2 Scat Doms use their Toilet SlaveWhat do you do with toilets? Right, you're shitting into it! We use our toilet every day. Yes, you heard right. Every day he has to eat our shit, drink our piss. Like in this video! Sometimes we puke him in the mouth! This is not a game but hard reality. This slave in the video is extremely humiliated. This time we give our toilet a spontaneous visit when we come from the brunch. In the morning we always have to shit a lot, especially if we have had a delicious breakfast. Not only that he has to lick the dirt off our soles. He is used by 2 ladies at the same time as a proper toilet! Because that's his purpose. As a matter of course we shit his mouth! Bravely chew and swallow. So that the next lady has a clean toilet again where she can shit. If that does not work to our satisfaction, we have to help in our own way!2 Scat Doms benutzen ihren ToilettesklavenWas macht man mit Toiletten? Richtig, man kackt in sie rein! Wir benutzen unsere Toilette jeden Tag. Ja, Du hast richtig gehoert. Jeden Tag muss er unsere Scheisse fressen, unsere Pisse saufen. So wie in diesem Video! Manchnmal kotzen wir ihm auch in den Mund! Das ist kein Spiel sondern harte Realitaet. Dieser Sklave in dem Video wird extrem hart gedemuetigt. Diesmal statten wir unserer Toilette einen spontanen Besuch als wir vom Brunchen kommen. Morgens muessen wir immer viel kacken, besonders wenn wir lecker gefruehstueckt haben. Nicht nur, dass er den Dreck von unseren Schuhsohlen lecken muss, er wird von 2 Ladys gleichzeitig als richtige Toilette benutzt! Denn das ist seine Bestimmung. Wie selbstverstaendlich muss er sich in den Mund scheissen lassen! Brav zerkauen und runterschlucken. So dass die naechste Dame wieder eine saubere Toilette zur Verfuegung hat wo sie reinscheissen kann. Wenn das nicht zu unserer Zufriedenheit ablaeuft, muessen wir auf unsere Art nachhelfen!
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