ShitGirl - Day-1 Breakfast from Mr [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

ShitGirl - Day-1 Breakfast from Mr [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

General description of the collection: slut- toilet slave in a cage, for several days she eats only poop and piss of the Master, the Mistress and their friends. Slut in tight, restrictive clothing, mask and special glasses to almost nothing to see, its.movements are limited, she can only see that it peed and pooped, and then reach out to that and to absorb. Its the only task – to drink urine and there is poop!
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MilanaSmelly - 3 unimaginably sweet girls! And me [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

MilanaSmelly - 3 unimaginably sweet girls! And me [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

3 unimaginably sweet girls! And me. Today I met again with my favorite girls Christina, Yana and Karina. I love meeting girls after the weekend – these days they are relaxing with their boyfriends, eating a lot of different foods, visiting a restaurant or visiting their parents! Today I asked the girls to put on sportswear – as if students are using me after a gym class!We agreed – I have to eat everything – this is my desire! Karina decided to use me first – her shit had an excellent structure and moderate hardness, he had to chew hard and it was difficult, very difficult! Yana and Kristina had a lot of fun and laughed while I was suffering under Karina’s ass, the girls suffered for a long time and each waited in turn. Finally, Karina finished her dirty work and Christina joyfully covered me with her young ass and immediately with a juicy and loud sound, a large portion of soft (not liquid) shit filled my mouth, the sound was amazingly beautiful. At that moment I felt the taste and realized that much greater difficulties await me! It was soft and had a strong smell. Christina says – yesterday I drank alcohol! You can see how hard I tried and how much I suffered, in the middle of feeding I felt that tears were flowing – I felt ashamed that Christina saw it, but Christina was laughing and rejoicing – she always laughs when she feeds me. With great difficulty, I served Christina. The next task was too much for me – Yana. A stream of warm and very liquid (oily) diarrhea flowed into my mouth and I immediately realized that this was the end – I broke down! I tried to swallow and Yana tried for a long time and waited for me to be able to. I took 2 big sips, but the shit immediately came out of me like a fountain, at such moments I regret doing this, but then when the girls leave, I regret that I didn’t swallow it when I had the opportunity
Video herunterladen ie-world - Poor Servant [HD 720p] Stuhlgang Porno ie-world - Poor Servant [HD 720p] Stuhlgang Porno

Miss Jane controls the work of her cleaning slave - although the slave cleans for hours, Miss Jane finds some dirt. She beats his balls brutally, kicks and strikes him. Jane decides for him to be used as a toilet, until she pisses in his mouth then shits into it. The slave is afraid and swallows as fast as he can. Among other torments and cock crushing, he licks the floor clean.
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MilanaSmelly - Girls show ass and feed slave [HD 720p] Stuhlgang Porno

MilanaSmelly - Girls show ass and feed slave [HD 720p] Stuhlgang Porno

Girls show ass and feed slave! Early morning! After that, the girls will go about their business, someone will go to work, and someone will go home to continue to sleep! But now they want to shit and the toilet slave expects a delicious delicacy! – He has to eat everything and he is waiting in the room next to him, he will not see what kind of panties today dressed girls and will not see their sweet ass! – But in the end they will bring him a huge and stinky plate, filled with girls shit and their names
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MilanaSmelly - Group use of female toilet slave [HD 720p] Stuhlgang Porno

MilanaSmelly - Group use of female toilet slave [HD 720p] Stuhlgang Porno

Group use of female toilet slave. This time the princesses used me after the holidays – they ate a lot of varied food and their asses were filled with a variety of crap. Today Yana was very hot and very tasty. I did not expect this when I lay down under it – warm diarrhea began to flow into my mouth in large portions! I swallowed very quickly so that diarrhea does not glass on the floor. Christina saw how Yana crapped my face and laughed. I ate Yana's diarrhea and Amina took her place! Amina cooked for me two solid pieces of shit that clung strongly to the teeth (Amina loves chocolate – it makes her shit sweet and sticky) even when I ate delicious shit of Christina, I felt shit Amina on my teeth. The third I was raped by Christina, she crapped powerfully and with a fart. Her pile quickly filled my mouth, and the remnants fell on top of her mouth. Girls do not want to touch their shit – it's disgusting and disgusting for them! I had to feed myself, and the girls laughed and humiliated me.
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Mistress Emily - Back to Shit [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

Mistress Emily - Back to Shit [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

I got up this morning, put on a nice diaphanous dress, and some makeup before work. The only thing I haven’t done yet is fed my pig. Yesterday I had an exotic meal, so today I’ve prepared an extra soft and smelly shit, ready to diminish this subhumans hunger. It is ready in the morning, starving and craving my delicacy, and I waste no time to deliver. Straight to the mouth, no need for explaining, asking for permission and such trivial things… I don’t want to hear complaints, moans and other unpleasant sounds. My ass is to be worshiped and adored. Of course, nothing goes without humiliation. I spit on top of the mess and punish the slave.
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Marcos579 - My Disgusting Stinky Toilet [UltraHD 2K] Stuhlgang Porno

Marcos579 - My Disgusting Stinky Toilet [UltraHD 2K] Stuhlgang Porno

My shit eater is watching me, and I tease him with what is to finally feed him. But the slave seems to be more interested in my pussy, rather than his actual food source! Well I have to change that, and I have him lay down, while I hover my food wagon above his face. Bu enough teasing, I need to shit badly, so his mouth better be open. I shit a nice log straight into his toilet mouth, and watch him as he enjoy my bodily gifts.. While I humiliate him!
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Mistress Anna - Sealed Mouth To Ass [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

Mistress Anna - Sealed Mouth To Ass [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

I have pain in my stomach this morning. My slave has been waiting for me all night with his ball tied up and full. I am not in a good mood and he has to pay for that. After I slap his blue balls, I shoot a wet fart in his mouth. This means that there would be something more for him this morning. He sealed his mouth and lips over my asshole so no smell or anything else can go out. His reward for this good job is very painful handjob. Yes, I am cruel, but he is not a Human been anymore he is an object, toilet, a toy for my amusement.
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MISTRESS GAIA - LAST CHANCE [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

MISTRESS GAIA - LAST CHANCE [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

MISTRESS GAIA - LAST CHANCE Today my new toilet slave will have to undergo the final test: if he passes, next time, he will have the privilege to finally serve me as a full toilet, that means receiving all my gift directly in his mouth and eat them all; if he fails, he won't have a second chance, I will dismiss him from my harem!!! I have tied him to the chair, so that he cannot.move, and I have tied a rope to his balls, just in case he needs a stimulus. I prepare his meal: a plate full of my delicious shit and a jug of my precious piss. Then I start spoon feeding him. The first piece is not too big, just to let him get accustomed to the taste, the following ones are bigger and bigger. He is not very fast to chew and swallow and sometimes I need to pull the rope and pinch his sensitive nipples but, spoonful after spoonful, all the shit goes into his mouth and down his stomach; in between, I give him a couple of glasses to my golden nectar. At the end, I am satisfied, he still needs to improve, of course, but he passed the test. Next time, his place will be under my toilet chair, with his mouth open, ready to receive and eat all his Mistress' precious gifts!!!! P.S. This clip shows a slave eating and drinking real shit and piss. Therefore, is not recommended for people who are not into this kind of stuff.Oggi e' giorno di esami per il mio nuovo schiavo-cesso: se lo supera, la prossima volta avra' finalmente il privilegio di potermi servire come un vero toilet slave, cioe' ricevere direttamente in bocca i miei frutti e ingoiare tutto; se fallira', non avra' una seconda possibilita', lo caccero' via dal mio harem!!! L'ho legato alla sedia in modo che non si possa muovere e gli attaccato una cordicella ai testicoli, giusto nel caso che abbia bisogno di qualche incentivo. Poi gli preparo il suo pasto: un piatto pieno della mia divina merda e una caraffa di delizioso piscio. Comincio ad imboccarlo, il primo pezzo non e' molto grande, giusto per farlo abituare al sapore, ma i successivi sono sempre piu' grossi. E' un po' lento a masticare e ingoiare e, a volte, devo dare una tirata alla cordicella o strizzare i suoi capezzoli che sono sensibilissimi ma comunque, un cucchiaio dopo l'altro, tutta la merda finisce nella sia bocca e giu' nel suo stomaco. Gli faccio anche bere un paio di bicchieri del mio nettare dorato. Alla fine sono contenta, ovviamente deve ancora migli.rare, ma l'esame e' superato. La prossima volta il suo posto sara' sotto la mia sedia toilet, pronto a ricevere e mangiare tutti i miei frutti. P.S. Questo video mostra uno schiavo che che mangia e beve vera merda e piscio. Eviti di guardarlo chi non ama questo tipo di cose.
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