Miki (美樹), Rena (レナ) - [解禁] W初食糞レズスカ美人姉妹 Beautiful Sisters [HDRip] Stuhlgang Porno

Miki (美樹), Rena (レナ) - [解禁] W初食糞レズスカ美人姉妹 Beautiful Sisters [HDRip] Stuhlgang Porno

美樹, レナ同居してる美樹(姉)とレナ(妹)。変態の美樹は可愛いレナをそそのかしてレズやスカプレイをたくらむ。互いに観察しながら恥じらい脱糞。最臭極太ウンコを口移しキス~初めての塗糞食糞汚物レズ!スカトロ出会い系サイトのマニア男2人とクサすぎるゲップ吐きながら壮絶4Pハメスカ!初食糞の衝撃は美人姉妹にとって悪夢のような快感だった!
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LindzyPoopgirl - Scat Swapping School [SD] Stuhlgang Porno

LindzyPoopgirl - Scat Swapping School [SD] Stuhlgang Porno

Karla is a english teacher in Brazil and loves to seduce her students. Karla loves to go to her classes with sensual clothes and today she will teach with a mini skirt to make the students not pay attention. Iohana, Latifa and Thatty cannot stop looking at KarlaAxs butt who soon decides to change the class subject! She will give the students a perfect scat class!
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Japanese girls - Yapoo's Market - 55 [DVDRip] Scat-Film

Japanese girls - Yapoo's Market - 55 [DVDRip] Scat-Film

The film consists of four stories. The first begins in that Naomi Asano, dressed in a silk kimono, elaborate stuffed into the anus associated slave flowers - a kind of flower arrangement - and then, a sharp blow whips knocks them out of this unusual "vase" causes of accidents terrible pain. Naturally, she is excited by the offense and makes a slave to satisfy her orally. Then, it comes to mind is a fun idea - to pour hot wax face a slave, but he will also be screaming in pain ... And then she finds a solution - a thin thread sews a slave's mouth, not allowing him to open it. Severe sight !!! In the second film epizdoe Naomi, dressed in a skirt and kotrotkuyu standing at stud, he leads a slave to the room where it almost forcibly shaved bald. Judging by his resistance, the decision was clearly a surprise for him. Shaved poor she leads him into a small hall with a stage, which sit along the perimeter of a few dozens of young, beautiful women. They are clearly inspired by the appearance of a slave. Naomi makes him crawl around the perimeter of each of the past Domin, doing what they wish - some ordered to kiss the shoes, some hit in the face, while others simply are oskorpi ... and so on. Then Ms Asano brings it to the stage several times and revealing severely and brutally beats him with a whip. He screams and writhes, but it is useless. He was then knocked to the ground and begin together kicking, kicking and trampling a lively cheers and vykrivaniya. And why so much violence in the beautiful lady? After a while, the beautiful calm down, and sit in places, and the servant is lying beaten in the middle of the hall, out of his nose streaming blood ... Then it was set up on the stage and sadistic alternately come out and strongly beat him with whips. The blows really hard on women's faces reflected the genuine rage and pleasure from the torture. After several hundreds of the most severe blows slave loses consciousness ... At the end of the slave film firmly fixed on the stage, preventing and.move a centimeter. Glow with the help of a gas burner of special metal tool to a very high temperature and give him a real mark on the buttocks ... Once again I repeat, it is really tough! If not for the world-wide fame Yapu studio, one would think that this film is r.moved forcibly, for few people voluntarily agree to act as a slave in a film with such a terrible torment. If you like cruelty - strongly recommend!
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