JanaBella - Mädchen mit Verstopfung/Constipated girl [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

JanaBella - Mädchen mit Verstopfung/Constipated girl [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

I talk about my current constipation issues that are tormenting me, using dirty words that have to do with digestion and poo. I finger and fist my ass standing up in hopes I’d find some poo, and I find it. I describe how the poo in my ass feels like, pull out my hand and show you a closeup of what i found. More fisting action while I’m lying on my side to pull out more poo. Then i take a banana and i put it in my ass in pieces and then fist my ass with the banana mush still in my ass.Ich spreche über meine aktuellen Verstopfungsprobleme, die mich quälen, und dabei benutze Wörter, die mit Verdauung und Kacke zu tun haben. Ich fingere und fiste meinen Arsch im Stehen, in der Hoffnung, ich würde etwas Kacke finden, und ich finde sie. Ich beschreibe, wie sich die Kacke in meinem Arsch anfühlt, ziehe meine Hand heraus und zeige dir eine Nahaufnahme von dem, was ich gefunden habe. Mehr Fisting-Action, während ich auf der Seite liege, um noch mehr Kacke herauszuholen. Dann nehme ich eine Banane und stecke sie mir in Stücken in den Arsch und fiste dann meinen Arsch mit dem Bananenbrei noch in meinem Arsch.
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Mistress Anna - Smell My Butt And Test My Farts [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

Mistress Anna - Smell My Butt And Test My Farts [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

This is the best video yet by Mistress Anna in both production values and content. As it begins, we see her beautiful face only lightly obscured by her mask as she realizes she has to fart. She graciously decides to share them with her slave and calls it over. We get to see a great variety of her facial expressions as she goes from bored, amused, curious and angry. As she slaps the slaves face she asks "Do you like it?" and we hear his whimpering. The scene changes and we see a short POV montage of her face as she walks in on her slave, already bound under her toilet chair. Again the scene changes and she takes her position on the toilet. This is shot in a wide angle and we get to see much more of the Mistress than in previous videos as she.moves around and as she pulls the spandex down off of her inexpressibly beautiful ass. We get many chances to admire the small details of her toned body and flawless skin from many angles as she shifts position. Finally we get the POV shot of the most exquisite ass ever created hanging down through the toilet seat as she matter-of-factly orders the slave to worship. This shot is lit by direct sunlight and we see her ass in dick-stiffening detail. The slave licks her asshole right up until the moment when her precious shit begins to pore out. Then she says "clean" and the slave again strains to lick, though the Mistress is in such perfect shape and her firm ass cheeks are so tight that there is no shit anywhere but right inside her asshole. The video ends with another short montage of the Mistress standing completely naked kicking the slave's balls. We are allowed to see her perfect pussy and graceful body from beneath the toilet seat, the only position from which a slave should ever be allow to view such beauty.
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Samantha Perez - Scat Madame - Real Swallow By Samantha Perez [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

Samantha Perez - Scat Madame - Real Swallow By Samantha Perez [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

Sexy dominatrix shows to the slave her brand new outfit. The slave loves her high heels very much, but the domina gets really angry, when she touch that. Domina Samantha punishing the slave with a long ass and pussy licking, and when the time is arrive, she shitting directly into the slave's mouth. When she finish with that, she smothering the slave with her perfect hands, while she has to keep all the scat in her mouth. The slave is gagging so hard, but the domina not let her to take out the shit from her mouth. Samantha push all the scat deeper and deeper into slave's troath with her sexy high heels, and with her perfect barefeets also. The slave gets totally humiliated, next time she will think twice to touch the madam's stuff.
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