ScatqueensBerlin - Tsching Lee Day2 HD Version [HD 720p] Stuhlgang Porno

ScatqueensBerlin - Tsching Lee Day2 HD Version [HD 720p] Stuhlgang Porno

A normal morning for Mistress Michelle. She has a toilet slave at the next room. She takes a coffee, makes a phone call and read something. Then she realize that she must poop and pee. she uses the toilet slave for that. Without mercy she poop and pee into the open mouth of the slave. Its mouth is now completely filled with the shit of Michelle.Then Mistress Michelle stand up and let the toilet slave alone without any word and go back to the next room.
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MilanaSmelly - Return of Mrs. Lassie. Aromatic shit [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

MilanaSmelly - Return of Mrs. Lassie. Aromatic shit [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

Return of Mrs. Lassie. Aromatic shit. This time, when Mrs. Karina invited the slave for service, she said that a surprise awaited him. Mrs. Lassie returned after the long break. The slave missed Lassie. He had not seen her for almost half a year. When he came, he was first punished with whip, because he did not want to eat the shit of Mistresses.Then the girls began to feed him. The first was Karina. She gave out the shit onthe plate, and then the slave had to lick her ass to complete purity. The slave licked Karina’s ass for the first time, and for him it was happiness. There is nothing more beautiful than touching your tongue to the dirty ass of the beautiful girl. Her shit was tasty, but very smelly. Lassie gave out the shit directly in the mouth of the slave. Her shit was as tough as Karina’s. It tastednasty and it was very smelly. When the slave was eating it, he was feeling the taste of pistachios in his mouth, which Mrs. Lassie ate yesterday. Slave successfully served both girls. Mistresses were satisfied.
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MilanaSmelly - Chocolate treat after flogging with cold shower [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

MilanaSmelly - Chocolate treat after flogging with cold shower [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

Chocolate treat after flogging with cold shower. Today I had to experience several types of humiliation from my Mistresses. Usually entertainment with the slave included something one. I was doing what the girls wanted at the moment, and then I was providing them with my mouth so that they could use me as a toilet. However, today the fantasy of Victoria and Christina has shown itself in all its strength. I was whipped to the red stripeson my back. Then, I was obliged to kiss the girls' feet, and I received a large number of slaps in the face. Mistresses doused me with cold water. This softenedthe pain on my back from flogging, but created other unpleasant sensations for me. I became even wetter after Victoria has urinated on me by a huge amount of urine. I was lying, indeed, in a puddle. Finally, there came a moment which I had been waiting for a very long time throughout this meeting. Victoria and Christina decided to feed me food from their asses. I really like to eat shit from girls, but today it has become a strong test for me, because Christina and Victoria were very well prepared and gave a large amount of shit from their asses to my mouth. I did it, but some poops fell to the floor, so I had to carefully lick the floor with my tongue. The girls left, leaving me alone, wet and soiled in shit. Despite everything, I am happy that I served and gave pleasure to two beautiful Mistresses.
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Entweder Du Frisst - Oder Wir Reißen Dir Die Eier Ab [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

Entweder Du Frisst - Oder Wir Reißen Dir Die Eier Ab [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

Mit meiner Freundin Miss Jane mache ich heute einen Sklaven so richtig fertig. Der Wicht wird von uns geschlagen, getreten geohrfeigt und muss die Pisse von Miss Jane sowie meine Scheisse schlucken. Sein Arsch bekommt eine schöne rote Farbe vom drauf schlagen, seine Eier greife ich mir immer wieder so brutal das er nur noch schreien kann. So einen Spaß hatten wir schon länger nicht mehr, und unser Opfer sicher noch nie solche Schmerzen während der Nahrungsaufnahme *Smile*.
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Lezdom - Demmi’s special treatment [4K UltraHD] Stuhlgang Porno

Lezdom - Demmi’s special treatment [4K UltraHD] Stuhlgang Porno

Demmi is a very bossy mistress and is making her slave Lisa Black as her footrest. Demmi thinks that her slave didn’t take a shower so she makes her smell, kiss and lick her foot. But Demmi is feeling very generous today so she gives her slave a full special treatment. The dominant mistress prepares a very special gift coming from her intestines and passing through her assholes directly to Lisa’s mouth. As a combo, she takes a hard piss in her face as well. Is not an easy day to be a Demmi’s slave.
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LadyScarlet - Lady Scarlet – Close scat in chastity [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

LadyScarlet - Lady Scarlet – Close scat in chastity [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

I look at my slave with contempt and satisfaction. Contempt because from here, sitting on my throne, I see all his inferiority. Satisfaction because he is in chastity, and soon I will shit in his mouth. I order him to kiss the soles of my sandals if he wants me to get up and get closer to him. Performs. I give him my spit and sit on his face. Before becoming my toilet, I want to have fun smothering him under my ass and pussy. So he gets familiar with the area hahaha. He can’t breathe, several times he beckons me to stop but I insist. I want to brainfuck him, I want his face to disappear between my buttocks! Then all of a sudden I take the key of his chastity belt out of my panties, and threaten him that if he doesn’t eat everything I won’t open the cage for him. Seems to understand … Crouched on him, with my hole very close to his mouth, I shit slowly. I want to give him the chance to taste it, to chew it and to swallow it. Little shit come out, neither hard nor soft, and my toilet eats. From my hole to his, directly. After I feed him, I order him to clean me with his tongue and he now in ecstasy and aware of his submission does. I still show him the key… I wonder if he deserved the bird’s freedom…SCAT DA VICINO IN CASTITAGuardo il mio schiavo con disprezzo e soddisfazione. Disprezzo perchè da qui, seduta sul mio trono, vedo tutta la sua inferiorità. Soddisfazione perchè è in castità, e presto gli cagherò in bocca. Gli ordino di baciare le suole dei miei sandali se vuole che io mi alzi e mi avvicini a lui. Esegue. Gli dono un mio sputo e mi siedo sulla sua faccia. Prima di diventare il mio cesso, mi voglio divertire a soffocarlo sotto il mio culo e la mia figa. Così prende confidenza con la zona hahaha. Gli manca il respiro, più volte mi fa cenno di fermarmi ma io insisto. Lo voglio inebriare, voglio che la sua faccia scompaia tra le mie chiappe! Poi ad un tratto estraggo dalle mutandine la chiave della sua cinturà di castità, e lo minaccio che se non mangia tutto non gli aprirò la gabbietta. Sembra aver capito… Accovacciata su di lui, con il mio buco molto vicino alla sua bocca, cago piano piano. Voglio dargli la possibilità di gustarsela, di masticarla e di ingoiarla. Escono piccoli stronzi, nè duri nè molli, e il mio cesso mangia. Dal mio buco al suo, direttamente. Dopo che l’ho sfamato, gli ordino di ripulirmi con la sua lingua e lui ormai in estasi e consapevole della sua sottomissione lo fa. Gli mostro ancora la chiave… Chissà se si è meritato la libertà dell’uccelletto…
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