Let us introduce you to the exclusive collection of Extreme Scat.movie!!! This SCAT video is not available on other sites, as it is exclusive, and you can download it only from us!!!
Let us introduce you to the exclusive collection of Extreme Scat.movie!!! This SCAT video is not available on other sites, as it is exclusive, and you can download it only from us!!!
Regia and Karen, both whores, have their fix place to attend the customers, but they have their place invaded by a cheap and ugly whore named Karla! They argue with her and the only solution to finish this problem is shitting on Karla´s face and mouth to make her disapear for once and again for that place. In the second part, not satisfied yet, Karla tries to steal another place with another whore called Bel. But they regret more this time, because she founds two worse bitches Chris and Sara and they dominate the weakest bitches and shit all over them!
Today, it is your turn to have your arse fucked! I start by spanking his arse and rubbing his hole. I stretch his arse with a buttplug and then begin to dominate him with my big 8 inch strap on. I fuck him hard before deciding to shit on him. I sit on his face whilst I push my arse out. I take a nice stinky shit right into his mouth and he begins to rub shit around my cheeks. I smother him with my big juicy shitty arse before wanking his dick furiously. He shoots hot thick cum all over me whilst my shit covered arse smothers is face.
Mit scat gefuettert und gestopftAuch bei 24/7 Zwangsaltung bekommt mein Sklave ein wirklich ausgewogenes Frühstück damit er seine von mir täglich aufgetragenen Aufgaben gut erfüllen kann. Der schöne Kuchen der beim Kaffeeklatsch mit meinen Ladys übrig geblieben ist scheinte ihm ja nicht zu schmecken, scheiss drauf, ich crushte vor seinen Augen und mit meinen nackten Füßen den Kuchen, veredelte ihn somit und fütterte ihn mit meinem nackten Fuß. Schon besser, denn plözlich grunzte und schmatzte der Sklave genüsslich und lutschte jeden Krümel zwischen meinen Zehen herraus. Da dachte ich mir das geht noch besser und schiss ihm eine schöne Portion aus meinem göttlichen Herrinnenarsch direkt in sein dreckiges Sklavenmaul. Auch mit dem schönen frischem scat in und auf seinem Maul fütterte und stopfte ich den Sklaven mit meinem nackten Fuß weiter, mmmh wie das schmeckt. Ich fistete ihn so hart mit meinem göttlichen Fuß in sein Maul das ihm fast das Kotzen kam und ließ ihn dabei seinen jämmerlichen Sklavenschwanz wichsen, aber auch das konnte der Loser nicht anständig und er fing an mich damit zu langweilen. Kurz darauf ließ ich ihn in seinem Käfig zurück um mir den nächsten Loser vor zu nehmen, mal schauen ob er seiner Göttin besser dienlich ist.
After their all-girl encounter in Just The Three Of Us our kinky trio Seren, Althea and Geena are ready to invite the guys to a no-holds-barred orgy with lots of pee, scat and sperm - probably the only kind of party where Party Poopers are more than welcome...
Are you ready АSS LICKER? Are you really ready to clean my asshole of every little bit of shit? First I will shit while you are cleaning my high heels. I will gag you with my shoes deep in your throw. And after I shit is your work. Prove to me you’re a toilet man worthy of the job of ass cleaner! And swallow my smelly diarrhea that fills your mouth!
Let us introduce you to the exclusive collection of Extreme Scat.movie!!! This SCAT video is not available on other sites, as it is exclusive, and you can download it only from us!!! All Scat Videos on this site are GUARANTED 100% real, no cheap fake shit making DepScat.com the best of the best!
Adrielle admits Jackie that passed all night long with her boyfriend.Jackie gets very angry and decide to revenge. They fight' but Jackie doesn t give her chance for any reaction' quickly Jackie suffocates her with such an intense handsmother making Adrielle vomiting and getting weak. Jackie when seeing the scene decides to rest .When wakes up' Adrielle decides to revenge of Jackie making her suffering the same pain. . That drama continues repeated times and only one of them will resist to this resistance competition and vomits.
Leslie is dieting, she did some gelatins to eat but when she opened the refrigerator... where are the gelatins? For her surprise, Diana is eating the last one. Now Leslie is very irritated and decided to do a delicious scat icing for Diana eat together with the gelatin.
Pinky Prada and Sisters of Scat joined to watch me eating and smearing the HUUUUGE turd of my bestie Pinky while I shit for myself… they all watch me and help me doing a good clip for you guys
Let us introduce you to the exclusive collection of Extreme Scat.movie!!! This SCAT video is not available on other sites, as it is exclusive, and you can download it only from us!!!
Let us introduce you to the exclusive collection of Extreme Scat.movie!!! This SCAT video is not available on other sites, as it is exclusive, and you can download it only from us!!!