Marlinda Branco - Dirty Nurse Part 1 [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

Marlinda Branco - Dirty Nurse Part 1 [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

Marlinda the Naughty Nurse. Marlinda visits her patient to see how he is doing. Sexy nurse dress and strong make up. She’s checking his dick and sucks it. She asks her patient for a pee and stool sample. He asks her if he can give the pee sample directly in her mouth, which she agrees to. Then he poops on the bed. She then checks intensively with her fingers the smell and the consistency of the scat while she masturbates.
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Scat Girls - Lesbian Scat Schoolgirls - In The College [SD] Stuhlgang Porno

Scat Girls - Lesbian Scat Schoolgirls - In The College [SD] Stuhlgang Porno

I love to remember the time at school, who not? In this series nice school girls make big big scat sessions, with nice school storys. Real big Scat Guaranted! College girls in transparent white underwears wake up each other with pussy licking in the bed. Then they get out, one of them lay on the floor and the other girls pee and shit to her mouth and push it down with their feet.
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ElenaToilet - Delicious Shit for New Slave [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

ElenaToilet - Delicious Shit for New Slave [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

I have a new slave from Germany and I am special dirty for him. He came specifically to my session to serve me. And he put a packet on his head to keep it private. I didn't wash 3 days and my ass smell like shit! I make him sniff it and worship before I load a huge long shit in his mouth and face! He never tried shit before and this is his first time being a toilet. He is very lucky to be my toilet because I am beautiful goddess with big gorgeous ass and my shit is delicious. Try it yourself.
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MistressJenniferCarter - A big mess [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

MistressJenniferCarter - A big mess [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

Mistress Carter has an appointment and she’s up for it! Your gun-mark curves will only be covered by your favorite red dress! But something bothers the beautiful silhouette of the goddess and so the mistake is quickly made. An ugly bulge of the abdomen, must necessarily be r.moved quickly to achieve the perfect result!Fortunately, Novice Peter, the personal toilet of Herrin Carter is nearby and immediately he takes his place under the glass toilet chair! Mistress Carter starts with the beautification of your divine figure and pushes Peter your brown gold in his face! But the actually well-behaved toilet, denied your service today and it seems Peter pursues his own interests! Otherwise, the mistress can not explain the plug in the backside of her novice! The mistress lusts it after punishment and so you take a thick rubbercock to the hand to chastise her toiletpig and to force her caviar to eat! But as Mistress Carter the dildo wants to disappear into the rosette of your slavery, you must realize with horror that the pig has not cleaned!One thing is clear now, novice Peter will not only get the shit of his mistress to taste, but also his own! What a big mess, but punishment must be!Deutsch: Mistress Carter hat eine Verabredung und wirft sich dafür in Schale! Ihre waffenscheinpflichtigen Kurven, werden nur von Ihrem roten Lieblingskleid umhüllt! Doch irgendetwas stört die wunderschöne Silhouette der Göttin und so ist der Fehler schnell ausgemacht. Eine unschöne Wölbung des Bauches, muss unbedingt schnell entfernt werden, um das perfekte Ergebnis zu erzielen!Zum Glück ist Novize Peter, die persönliche Toilette von Herrin Carter in der Nähe und sofort nimmt er seinen Platz unter dem gläsernen Toilettenstuhl ein! Herrin Carter fängt zu gleich mit der Verschönerung Ihrer göttlichen Figur an und drückt Peter Ihr braunes Gold in sein Gesicht! Doch die eigentlich gut erzogene Toilette, verweigert heute Ihren Dienst und wie es scheint, verfolgt Peter eigene Interessen! Anders kann sich die Herrin den Plug im Hinterteil Ihres Novizen nicht erklären” Der Herrin lüstet es nach Bestrafung und so nimmt Sie sich einen dicken Gummikolben zur Hand, um Ihre Toilettensau zu züchtigen und zum Fressen Ihres Kaviars zu zwingen! Doch als Mistress Carter den Dildo in die Rosette Ihrer Sklavensau verschwinden lassen will, muss Sie mit entsetzen feststellen, dass das Schwein sich nicht gereinigt hat!Eins ist jetzt klar, Novize Peter wird nicht nur die Scheisse seiner Herrin zu schmecken bekommen, sondern auch seine eigene! Was für eine grosse Schweinerei, aber Bestrafung muss sein!
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Toilet Slavery - (Tulip's Turd Tunnel) Tulip - So Full of Shit [UltraHD 4K] Stuhlgang Porno

Toilet Slavery - (Tulip's Turd Tunnel) Tulip - So Full of Shit [UltraHD 4K] Stuhlgang Porno

Here are some quotes from Tulip: This will be your breakfast or lunch. Maybe it will be your brunch. You are just a poo-vert, who loves being controlled, by this feminine fecal-factory. And that is what I do. I control you, with this fleshy, feminine fecal-factory. I know all you think about when you are out in public and you see a girl with a beautiful ass. You just think about the shits that she takes. That is what arouses you the most. Not imagining fucking her. No. That is not for poo-verts. You are just a true poo-vert. And all you think about is eating and smelling her shit. And watching her take it, too. Seeing her ass gape around a fat turd. Fat turds that you wish you can take into your mouth. You think it is so glorious. Do you feel controlled, by my shit-hole, Poo-vert? And it is so ironic that I control you with such a shitty part of me. Poo-verts, like you, no longer need to rely on your imagination, when you are with me. Because your imagination runs wild, when seeing women in public. It runs wild, thinking about all the senses, that are going to be engaged, when a woman has to take a shit. You want to see her, taking a shit. You want to smell the shit, she is taking. You want to eat the shit. You want to touch the shit. You just want everything to do with her shit. As long as it is coming from a beautiful fecal-factory. And that is what you think about, when you are out in public. And this girl-ass truly is such a shit-factory. Just a big, fleshy, feminine fecal-factory. Such a big, feminine fecal-factory that just turned from pink to brown. Did you get to see how my ass gaped, around that fat shit? Did that turn you on? This feminine, creator of shit. And you enjoy the product of girl-ass. What does girl-ass produce? Caca. That’s right. Girl-shit is the produce of girl-ass. It will be nice and fresh and warm. Just like the nice, fresh, warm shit, I just took into your mouth. Caca doo doo. The fresher, the better. And that is how we all like our produce. Like a nice loaf of bread. Except instead of a loaf of bread, it is produce from girl-ass. A loaf of caca. Poo-verts, like you, just love everything about girl-ass. And I truly mean, everything. And this video is proof of it. Absolutely everything. The smell, the taste, the texture, the look, the produce from my girl-ass, the caca connection. That is what you live for. You live for the produce of girl-ass. You worship the produce of girl-ass. You just want that caca connection, all the time.
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Kaoru Adachi ,Anzai Shichimi, Hasemi Kazumi, Sae, Yuko Koda - [VRXS-108] Defecation Ritual. Clergy of Immorality [DVDRip] Scat-Film

Kaoru Adachi ,Anzai Shichimi, Hasemi Kazumi, Sae, Yuko Koda - [VRXS-108] Defecation Ritual. Clergy of Immorality [DVDRip] Scat-Film

Young schoolgirl our seminary to dedicate every day a prayer to God to seal the carnal that in springs and boiling people. Drop two drops immoral juice from the meat hole that should have been sealed. Ritual of sacred prayer eventually underwent a transformation to the immorality of the ritual. Holy young schoolgirl trackless immorality zone at the sight of the Cross is opened big piss shit is poured into the monk, go sucked the penis behind hole drifting immorality of odor, taken open and gaping.
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Mary Luthay, Saori Kido - Special Dinner with Vomit and Scat [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

Mary Luthay, Saori Kido - Special Dinner with Vomit and Scat [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

Mary decided to make a special dinner for her goddess, Saori can not imagine how Mary did that food and she loved it. Mary decided to show her how she made the spaghetti and Saori was horrified. Mary decided to dominate her and forcing to eat the spaghetti, but something is missing, the scat meat balls. So, Mary shits on the food and forcing Saori to eat.
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BrazilGirls - Personal toilet [UltraHD 4K] Stuhlgang Porno

BrazilGirls - Personal toilet [UltraHD 4K] Stuhlgang Porno

Aliça and Chimeny are resting their feet on top of Lisa’s back, that is Chimeny’s personal slave. They are so tired of using high heels hurting them all day that they obligate Lisa to massage, smell and lick their feet, just so they can feel relaxed. Not satisfied yet, Chimeny decides she wants a good treatment to her beautiful ass too. A session of asslicking and smelling on these two goddesses happen and it’s delicious to watch. To complete the circle of pleasure and relaxing, it’s time to make the slave suffer a little bit: it’s poop time! Chimeny starts it, shitting and pissing, and obligating her to rub it all over her body and eat. Aliça wants to participate too and do the same, enjoying to see Lisa disgusted with their soft and pasty scat.
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Miss Pia, Miss Kelly - SWITCHING SIDES [HD 720p] Stuhlgang Porno

Miss Pia, Miss Kelly - SWITCHING SIDES [HD 720p] Stuhlgang Porno

When their scheduled customer didn't show up, Misses Pia and Kelly were left with a choice between flushing their precious goodies down the toilet or using them for their own pleasure. Much to her own surprise Pia truly enjoyed her first time ever on the receiving end. From her experience as a toilet domme she's well aware that once you cross that line, there's no way back, and we're pretty positive that this was not the last time she will switch sides!
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