Soft Scat Queen of the Internet Plus Her Friends [SD] Amateur

Soft Scat Queen of the Internet Plus Her Friends [SD] Amateur

My name is Ana. I am a Dutch girl with an Russian name because of my familybackground. Last 7 years I lived in Spain. I love the nice weather, the sun and the way of life in Spain. But I missed my family and decided to go back to The Netherlands.
I love music, specially Rock/pop music. I have been working in the musicbusiness for several years with my ex boyfriend. He loved watching me all the time and specially when I was in the bathroom. I figured out that I have a special power in me and I like to feel that. Some people think I am crazy, but I cannot help it: I love to relieve myself, I love the feeling! 4 years ago I started to film what I love to do: pooing, peeing, farting.
Nowadays I have my own website and this website is for Soft Scat and Powerpee lovers. I am happy to see there are a lot of people who loves to watch me and other girls, models, beautiful women who are relieving themselves. We need to do it anyway, so I like to say:Just Do It, Just Enjoy It!Kiss
Ana, Santara, Karolay, Mai Ly, Scat Doll, Yummy Anus, Hera
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まだ下の毛も生えていないようなツルまん美少女が [DVDRip] TOKYO MANIGUN'S

まだ下の毛も生えていないようなツルまん美少女が [DVDRip] TOKYO MANIGUN'S

まだ下の毛も生えていないようなツルまん美少女が、糞まみれの世界で理性を狂わせてしまう問題作。狂気が脱糞と共に噴出し、少女のモラルと人間の尊厳を破壊してゆく…。アナルを悪戯するフェチの世界から足を踏み外し、飲尿や浣腸を経て、果ては糞を体中に塗られ、咀嚼させられ、肉体も精神も極限状態へと至る。そんな少女のおぼつかなくも、着実かつ徹底的に汚されてゆく足取りを記録した衝撃映像。無垢から汚辱へと堕ちてゆく過程を、是非ともご覧ください。パイパン美少女 脱糞 糞まみれ
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Pinkie Stinkie [FullHD 1080p]

Pinkie Stinkie [FullHD 1080p]

Breakfast shit ServedBreakfast shit Served only for you …Date From Hell Shit RevengeCamera is on the floor in this clip showing us the mistress who is standing on her feet. She has black dress on her, she wears sunglasses and she wears red boots. With her face turned to the camera she sits on a chair and talks. Then she shits on a white paper which is on the floor. She holds the paper from its corners and shows her scat to the camera. While she is next to it she talks to the camera.Eat my shit Human toiletI have something saved up for you! Can you guess what it is? I’ll give you a hint… it’s long, brown, stinky, warm and belongs in your mouth! Good boy I thought that would be an easy guess and now I bet you are super excited for a piece of it aren’t you? Always wanted to be a human toilet? Good my ass is super sweaty, dirty and filled with a nice warm treat for you. I’m going to turn you into my personal toilet paper… I have a Huge shit waiting for your mouth so open wide and get ready for it! I know how much you love it when I poop in your mouth!…Flex’n’shit worship my muscular shitA girl has black fitness bra on her big sexy boobs. She doesnt show her face to the camera at first. She shows her arm muscles to the camera. She removes her boobs out of her fitness bra and shows them. Then she turns back and shows her ass and asshole. While camera is recording her from the floor, she first pees and then shits on a white paper that is on the floor.Hard Shit ServedWoman with a grey-black mix colored shirt on her turns her ass to the camera and shits on a white plate on the floor. She has sunglasses with blue color on her eyes. She holds the plate with scat on it to the camera and serves it. She turns ass and asshole to the camera again in the end.Seduced into massive Shit Eating DinnerFor days I couldn’t shit so I had a massive big build up of poo. I thought it would be very generous of me to shit on a plate for you…you seemed hungry so this is your shit dinner! My load of poop is SUPER large and stinks sooooo bad. It’s perfect for you….I know its hard to eat so I’m going to tease you with my sexy body, rubbing my big tits and encouraging you to eat it. I will mind fuck you cock tease you and convince you to do it! There’s no turning back! My site gives you the unique opportunity to enjoy a huge collection of videos! Buying a premium you can download any video online. I fill the site every day just for you! Join now! Experience premium features! Welcome!
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