Nada Njiente - Avantgarde Extreme 11 - Eine Sache des Blickwinkels [DVDRip] Scat-Film

Nada Njiente - Avantgarde Extreme 11 - Eine Sache des Blickwinkels [DVDRip] Scat-Film

Ja, liebe Zuschauer, das scheint mir ja ein interressantes Abenteuer zu werden. Ich heisse Maria Schubert und bin seit einiger Zeit geschie-den. Und seit dem ich wieder allein bin, kann ich endlich wieder ein bisschen frische Luft schnuppern und einfach MEIN Leben genießen. Mein Ex zahlt mir jeden Monat eine großzügige Summe als Unterhalt, so kann ich es mir leisten hin und wieder aus dem Vollen zu schöpfen. Wenn sich ein Abenteuer ergibt, bin ich nicht gerade abgeneigt ...
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Kaoru Toyoda - Extremely Transformation 2 [DVDRip] Scat-Film

Kaoru Toyoda - Extremely Transformation 2 [DVDRip] Scat-Film

極めつきド変態2 アナルSMスカトロ狂宴. 妖美19歳ド変態M女登場!マンコもアナルも中出しハメスカ!面接で初めて出会ったときから変態妖美ただよう女だった。可憐な表情に秘められたドM願望。変態したいと、その瞳が濡れていた。脱糞・食糞・顔面糞ビンタ・ウンコイラマチオ・マンコもアナルも中出しハメスカ、心と肉体の限界まで追い込むSM!
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LadyScarlet - Lady Scarlet – Close scat in chastity [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

LadyScarlet - Lady Scarlet – Close scat in chastity [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

I look at my slave with contempt and satisfaction. Contempt because from here, sitting on my throne, I see all his inferiority. Satisfaction because he is in chastity, and soon I will shit in his mouth. I order him to kiss the soles of my sandals if he wants me to get up and get closer to him. Performs. I give him my spit and sit on his face. Before becoming my toilet, I want to have fun smothering him under my ass and pussy. So he gets familiar with the area hahaha. He can’t breathe, several times he beckons me to stop but I insist. I want to brainfuck him, I want his face to disappear between my buttocks! Then all of a sudden I take the key of his chastity belt out of my panties, and threaten him that if he doesn’t eat everything I won’t open the cage for him. Seems to understand … Crouched on him, with my hole very close to his mouth, I shit slowly. I want to give him the chance to taste it, to chew it and to swallow it. Little shit come out, neither hard nor soft, and my toilet eats. From my hole to his, directly. After I feed him, I order him to clean me with his tongue and he now in ecstasy and aware of his submission does. I still show him the key… I wonder if he deserved the bird’s freedom…SCAT DA VICINO IN CASTITAGuardo il mio schiavo con disprezzo e soddisfazione. Disprezzo perchè da qui, seduta sul mio trono, vedo tutta la sua inferiorità. Soddisfazione perchè è in castità, e presto gli cagherò in bocca. Gli ordino di baciare le suole dei miei sandali se vuole che io mi alzi e mi avvicini a lui. Esegue. Gli dono un mio sputo e mi siedo sulla sua faccia. Prima di diventare il mio cesso, mi voglio divertire a soffocarlo sotto il mio culo e la mia figa. Così prende confidenza con la zona hahaha. Gli manca il respiro, più volte mi fa cenno di fermarmi ma io insisto. Lo voglio inebriare, voglio che la sua faccia scompaia tra le mie chiappe! Poi ad un tratto estraggo dalle mutandine la chiave della sua cinturà di castità, e lo minaccio che se non mangia tutto non gli aprirò la gabbietta. Sembra aver capito… Accovacciata su di lui, con il mio buco molto vicino alla sua bocca, cago piano piano. Voglio dargli la possibilità di gustarsela, di masticarla e di ingoiarla. Escono piccoli stronzi, nè duri nè molli, e il mio cesso mangia. Dal mio buco al suo, direttamente. Dopo che l’ho sfamato, gli ordino di ripulirmi con la sua lingua e lui ormai in estasi e consapevole della sua sottomissione lo fa. Gli mostro ancora la chiave… Chissà se si è meritato la libertà dell’uccelletto…
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MissMortelle - Sadistic School Girl feeds giant Scat Pizza [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

MissMortelle - Sadistic School Girl feeds giant Scat Pizza [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

This clip is in German.I am doing my schoolwork when the pizza delivery guy rings the doorbell. Finally! I had been starving already. But then I see that he delivered the wrong kind of pizza and I lose my appetite in an instant. Now all I feel like doing was making this screw-up suffer.. Tying the pizza delivery guy to the chair is not difficult, because what man would say no to erotic bondage games? As soon as I tied him up, I get down to business. Several times I pee into a bottle. Once I emptied my bladder, I open the pizza box and unload a gigantic shit sausage on the pizza. Now I will feed these delicacies to the pizza delivery boy! My victim suffers properly while I administer him the lemonade with a funnel. But the poop pizza is much more trouble. Then, my pathetic shit eater has to jerk off onto a piece of pizza. Although he tries to apply the stop word, I stuff this pizza piece, loaded with sperm and shit, into his mouth without mercy. Since he turns out to be a miserable failure of a toilet, I decide not to untie him and keep him there for detention. I smear the rest of the pizza all over his body and up his nostrils. That's how I leave him alone for the next few hours while I finish my homework.. This video is copyrighted and any illegal spreading will result in legal action!Ich bin gerade dabei meine Schulaufgaben zu machen, als der Pizzabote klingelt. Endlich! Ich hatte schon die ganze Zeit Heißhunger. Doch dann sehe ich, dass er mir die falsche Pizzasorte geliefert hat und der Appetit vergeht mir auf einen Schlag. Jetzt habe ich nur noch Lust diesen Versager leiden zu lassen. Den Pizzaboten an den Stuhl zu fesseln ist nicht schwierig, denn welcher Mann würde zu erotischen Fesselspielen nein sagen? Sobald ich ihn gefesselt habe, geht es zur Sache. Mehrmals pinkele ich in eine Flasche. Sobald ich meine Blase entleert habe, öffne ich den Pizzakarton und entlade eine gigantische Kackwurst auf die Pizza. Diese Köstlichkeiten muss der Pizzabote nun fressen! Mein Opfer leidet ordentlich, während ich ihm die Limonade mit einem Trichter verabreiche. Aber die Scheißepizza setzt ihm noch viel mehr zu. Dann muss mein erbärmlicher Scheißefresser auf ein Pizzastück wichsen. Obwohl er versucht das Stoppwort anzuwenden, stopfe ich ihm die Pizza gnadenlos in seinen Mund. Da er sich im Endeffekt als ein klägliche Versager-Toilette rausstellt, beschließe ich ihn nicht mehr loszufesseln und fürs Nachssitzen dazubehalten. Ich schmiere ihm die restliche Pizza über den gesamten Körper und in die Nasenlöcher. So lasse ich ihn für die nächsten Stunden allein, während ich meine Hausaufgaben zu Ende mache. Dieses Video ist urheberrechtlich geschützt und jegliche Verbreitung wird rechtlich verfolgt!
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Nada Njiente - ] Avantgarde Extreme 11 - Eine Sache des Blickwinkels [DVDRip] Scat-Film

Nada Njiente - ] Avantgarde Extreme 11 - Eine Sache des Blickwinkels [DVDRip] Scat-Film

Ja, liebe Zuschauer, das scheint mir ja ein interressantes Abenteuer zu werden. Ich heisse Maria Schubert und bin seit einiger Zeit geschie-den. Und seit dem ich wieder allein bin, kann ich endlich wieder ein bisschen frische Luft schnuppern und einfach MEIN Leben genießen. Mein Ex zahlt mir jeden Monat eine großzügige Summe als Unterhalt, so kann ich es mir leisten hin und wieder aus dem Vollen zu schöpfen. Wenn sich ein Abenteuer ergibt, bin ich nicht gerade abgeneigt ...
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MissMortelle - Confession of a Scat Slave (Interview) [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

MissMortelle - Confession of a Scat Slave (Interview) [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

In this interview I want to hear from my video slave all about his favorite fetish. How long has he had the desire to consume poop? What is his perfect scat fantasy? Has he told his previous partners about his love for dirty play? And what advice would he give to newcomers who haven't tried the scat fetish yet?Interview in German.In diesem Interview möchte ich von meinem Video-Sklaven alles über seinen Lieblingsfetisch erfahren. Wie lange hat er den schon? Was ist seine perfekte KV-Fantasie? Hat er seinen bisherigen Partnerinnen von seiner Vorliebe fürs Dreckige erzählt? Und was würde er Neulingen raten, die den Fetisch bisher noch nicht ausprobiert haben?
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Scatdesire - Angelika’s Toilet Serving [UltraHD 2K] Stuhlgang Porno

Scatdesire - Angelika’s Toilet Serving [UltraHD 2K] Stuhlgang Porno

Toilet slave had contacted me and wanted to receive and swallow my delights. So I met with him in the hotel! There I pooped him a mega fat and big shit sausage in a plate. I was not shit extra 3 days in advance! After the plate had full of my shit, I poked his face on a plate and told him to swallow my shit. This is a great honor for him, isn’t it? Do you deserve my shit too?
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Madam Director Lola - No People Food Allowed [UltraHD 4K] Stuhlgang Porno

Madam Director Lola - No People Food Allowed [UltraHD 4K] Stuhlgang Porno

I am training my sweet little human stray. As a good little pet, he must stay locked inside a cage, and of course, he is not allowed to eat any people food. Everyone knows that people food absolutely spoils and ruins a pet. I want him to be obedient! I wake my little caged stray for his morning breakfast by rattling the cage. I prepare for him my specialty. He watches, very alert and hungry. When breakfast is ready, I open the cage door and let him lap from his wide bowl and eat from the ground near my high-heeled feet. My good little pet eats it all up. I praise him and scratch his soft hide. When it has finished its meal, I order it to return to its cage. The training is working. My pet submissively returns to the cage, and I shut the door. I warn it to obey me, or I will absolutely neuter it. I will return later for another feeding. It better keep eating it all.
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