AbigailDupree - Master Poops into my Ass [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

AbigailDupree - Master Poops into my Ass [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

Pass The Total Power Exchange - I have no problem getting up close and personal with my own waste..in fact, I even enjoy it. But when it comes to someone else's excrement, I want nothing to do with it. Even if it is coming from the man I would give my life for. Well it has been 8 months since I have taken a shit like a normal human being would in most situations. Being a sex worker that specializes in extreme anal feats and because bathroom play is prohibited in most places that I display my work, I make sure to thoroughly clean out before every shift on cam with my fool proof enema routine. It has become second nature to clean out during my morning shower and one more time right before I am ready for my night of anal debauchery. I had forgotten what it felt like to take a shit and personally wanted to experience that feeling again but also make sure my health was in check. I stopped doing enemas all together and awaited the urge to arrive with anticipation. I ate more than I typically do and added many poop inducing ingredients like cabbage, brussels sprouts, beans, lentils, prunes, fiberous vegetables and the occasional fast food grease bomb. 14 days passed with nothing more than an occasional feeling of a.movement coming in the distance and a few days of being more gassy than usual. Master had given me a deadline that ended today, I had failed to shit and the tension and stress was rising in me with no sign of a turd anywhere. He had woken with the same dream twice in one week wherein he took a shit directly into my asshole and took that as a sign from the universe that that was what needed to happen. I halfway thought he was kidding or just trying to scare the shit out of me and motivate my bowels. But no, he was dead serious. I told Him that he would need to demand this from me as it is something that I would not otherwise or in any other situation. He held his shit for as long as he could while he set up the cameras and prepared the setting for me to serve Him in. He has me insert my large tunnel plug (The Pig Hole Deep 2 by Oxballs) into my ass. With much banter and agonizing pleas for Him not to go through with it, I finally realize my fate and submit to his cute freckled ass lowering down onto my gaping ass and in a matter of seconds, I was filled with His shit. Please do enjoy watching this.rare capture of love and defilement in an exchange of Power and yup shit.
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LoveRachelle2 - I Love Cumming With a Shitty Pussy [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

LoveRachelle2 - I Love Cumming With a Shitty Pussy [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

Aren’t you excited to watch me shit and love it? Take your cock out of your pants and stroke it while I tell you how good it feels just barely holding in my shit behind my tight little pucker right now, how excited I am to get dirty and enjoy my own filth. I shit a HUGE snake for you right on my couch and taste it, telling you how sweet it is and kissing and licking it… I smear my poop all over my butt cheeks and my pussy and rub my poop-caked cunt til I cum!
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ModelNatalya94 - Eating shit anal sex [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

ModelNatalya94 - Eating shit anal sex [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

Hello dear ones. Today we are adding videos of Yana, Caroline and Alice to the store. The girls are completely naked, we are ready for our dirty and vulgar games. Yana gets on the sofa with cancer, and Alice and Carolina will fuck her with a rubber phalos in her ass and eat shit. Alice caresses Jan with her hands and sticks her fingers into the anus. Then he takes a rubber cock and fucks her in the ass. During sex, Jana wants to pee and shit. Alice gets a dick out of her ass and Yana shit in small portions of shit right on the dick. Alice gives Karolina and she eats Yana’s shit from his dick and sucks it. Then Yana gives out another shit and again Karolina licks and eats it. When Yana was completely emptied, Alice brought her to orgasm and Caroline became the next on the sofa. Yana also took a rubber member. She and Alice fucked and caressed Caroline in the ass. Caroline also began to give shit parts and Yana gave to eat this warm shit Alice. Alice was happy to eat poop and swallow them. Yana thrust her cock deep into her throat so that Alice almost pulled it all back. Yana fucked Caroline in the ass, and Alice ate shit. Today here is a video for you!
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SexyAss - Sexy ass jeans poop and smearing [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

SexyAss - Sexy ass jeans poop and smearing [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

I was missing something dirty and sensual, then I felt horny and decided to play in shit again. In this video I’m wearing short jeans and white stocks. You will see how I poop in my pants, how I smear shit over my face, legs, ass, pussy, how I play my pussy with shitty hands. And for sure see me tasting my shitty fingers mhmm. Tell me if you want more stuff from me
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DirtyBetty - MUST SEE! Real Pervert Scat family [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

DirtyBetty - MUST SEE! Real Pervert Scat family [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

The new PREMIUM video, my husband the great anonymus, prepared for me a HUGE plate of fresh, and incredibly cool shit. I could not resist his shit, and then dirty deep blowjob, dirty joint masturbation and of course smearing shit in the face! A lot of great angles, incredibly vulgar content and good quality, what else is needed to buy one of the best videos of the year? There are still many plans ahead, stay with me, together we will make SCAT great again! I love you and good holidays! PS: This is the first part of the video of two!
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CosmicGirl - Messy Prank Revenge [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

CosmicGirl - Messy Prank Revenge [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

I am laughing and making fun of my room mate for a prank I pulled on him. Laughing and humiliating him for the way I made him piss and shit his pants last week when I dressed up like a zombie and scared him on the way to his usual morning time bathroom trip.It was so hilarious, but very embarrassing for him. So, he decides to get me back one day, and has a friend dress up in a scary “IT” style clown costume and he “breaks into” our apartment! It startles me so badly andI can’t help it, I am just so scared that I make a big dirty mess in my freshly washed jeans! I try to deny it for awhile, but then realize its pretty apparent that I have totally soiled myself with a big load of shit and piss…and it’s Much worse than he did! Both of them had a nice big laugh at my expense.They won’t let me use the bathroom to clean up until I show them my shit and piss covered ass because they are just plain mean! plus they are total pervs too, I could see both of their erections growing in their pants as soon as I pulled my mess filled jeans down!
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