ModelNatalya94 - Was white panties [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

ModelNatalya94 - Was white panties [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

We very much love white underwear panties bras , white panties very visible traces of dirty pussy , and if I do not wipe my ass with toilet paper after going to the bathroom that are clearly visible traces of shit .First video clip Olga and I are posing for you , demonstrated white panties , changing poses a few times so you can enjoy our panties and ass . I ask that my friend got cancer on his knees , Olga gets up and I sit down on top of her , two of the most sexy Asses in white panties . Olga is cancer and I pripodnimayut your ass and start to piss through their panties for Olga , a powerful stream of urine comes out of me , panties Olga already in my urine , and Olga tells me that she wants to shit , Olga, shit in white panties shit fills her panties and begins to climbs , Olga large amount of time didn't go to the toilet . I'm getting off of her and smell her panties and then take them off and show you her ass and panties are all shit , and again put them back in the ass Olga . Then came my turn , I lie on my back and Olga asks me to I raised my legs up , I lift Olga takes my panties and pulls out her Breasts and begins to fondle my pussy and ass with her Breasts sliding up and down him , her nipples very excited and I feel what they are resilient . A bit of tinkering with me Olga wears my panties back to me on your ass and I begin to fill her panties with shit . On white panties appear traces of a brown color , Oh the color of shit , filled her panties with shit I get up cancer and take off panties showing you my dirty panties and ass . At the end of the video Olga and I together and show you their dirty panties and ass
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Toilet Humiliation - 2 Scat Doms use their Toilet Slave [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

Toilet Humiliation - 2 Scat Doms use their Toilet Slave [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

2 Scat Doms use their Toilet SlaveWhat do you do with toilets? Right, you're shitting into it! We use our toilet every day. Yes, you heard right. Every day he has to eat our shit, drink our piss. Like in this video! Sometimes we puke him in the mouth! This is not a game but hard reality. This slave in the video is extremely humiliated. This time we give our toilet a spontaneous visit when we come from the brunch. In the morning we always have to shit a lot, especially if we have had a delicious breakfast. Not only that he has to lick the dirt off our soles. He is used by 2 ladies at the same time as a proper toilet! Because that's his purpose. As a matter of course we shit his mouth! Bravely chew and swallow. So that the next lady has a clean toilet again where she can shit. If that does not work to our satisfaction, we have to help in our own way!2 Scat Doms benutzen ihren ToilettesklavenWas macht man mit Toiletten? Richtig, man kackt in sie rein! Wir benutzen unsere Toilette jeden Tag. Ja, Du hast richtig gehoert. Jeden Tag muss er unsere Scheisse fressen, unsere Pisse saufen. So wie in diesem Video! Manchnmal kotzen wir ihm auch in den Mund! Das ist kein Spiel sondern harte Realitaet. Dieser Sklave in dem Video wird extrem hart gedemuetigt. Diesmal statten wir unserer Toilette einen spontanen Besuch als wir vom Brunchen kommen. Morgens muessen wir immer viel kacken, besonders wenn wir lecker gefruehstueckt haben. Nicht nur, dass er den Dreck von unseren Schuhsohlen lecken muss, er wird von 2 Ladys gleichzeitig als richtige Toilette benutzt! Denn das ist seine Bestimmung. Wie selbstverstaendlich muss er sich in den Mund scheissen lassen! Brav zerkauen und runterschlucken. So dass die naechste Dame wieder eine saubere Toilette zur Verfuegung hat wo sie reinscheissen kann. Wenn das nicht zu unserer Zufriedenheit ablaeuft, muessen wir auf unsere Art nachhelfen!
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GoddessAndreea - Bubblebut scat feeding her human toilet 2 [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

GoddessAndreea - Bubblebut scat feeding her human toilet 2 [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

For the second time with her personal toilet slave, Bubblebut smoked and obliged her slut first to be her human ashtray. She also obliged him to pee and lick his piss from the floor then she uses him in bathroom. She spurts a great diarrhea on him, in his face and mouth and made him lick her diarrhea from the floor. Clip nr 2 with her human toilet.
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Welcome! Hi Hey Hello! I am soooooooo happy to say that you the fans have kept this thing alive and found a way for a studio like this to continue operating in spite of it’s challenges! and forward will be produced and live on because of the strength in the scat community! Pat yourself on the back here before your hand is too tired to pat anything hehehe literally has everything I have ever dreamed a should be! I would like to say I absolutely loved how much shit and scat there was in this film it was just never ending it seemed like haha! What! You all wanted more shit well you got it and some haha! All of the girls really shit there brains out! Helga shitting at the beginning to me was so incredibly hot! Especially because I was informed that Helga would only be conducting an interview… I had no clue that she was going to surprise the girls with a large hefty load of her pretty brown scat! So needless to say when she bent over and began releasing that monster log I immediately turned on my vibrator lol Helga is so effing hot like I just cannot understand where he gets these amazing women from! (Well he did find me too lol and I’m quite amazing as well! hehe) Anyway watching them chow down on Helgas fat load literally made me cum so hard! And then watching how they ate every last drop of her shit?! I mean they didn’t waste a drop! I was so blown away. All of it was consumed. Then Imani holds the plate up and says were out of scat! O man at that point I just knew this was gonna be such a! These just keep getting better and better and better! Just when you think they cant possibly get better, Scathunter produces another masterpiece! The way that Imani was swallowing in was insane! By the way I noticed Imani has a new look and wow she is BEAUTIFUL! Im impressed by her. Her ass is now ridiculously large, and I must admit I am a little jelly haha I have a huge ass but nothing compared to hers! Stephanie was a powerhouse in as well. The way that the two of them swapped and shared scat together and genuinely enjoyed it seriously had me soooooo horny it was alarming lol There was a part where Stephanie was slurping up scat and Imanis vomit from the floor that had me so turned on by her submissiveness! Especially when Imani was cumming and she was drinking her squirt, that was so hot. I wish I could have traded places with her and been the one soaking up that yummy cum. 100 out of 10. I had to watch twice just for it to sink in, and I am probably going to watch it again tomorrow as well hehe. For all of you who pre ordered just remember you made this happen! And you got it at half price. Just keep in mind we will be doing ie this ing forward so you will always have the chance to get in early. Thank you all again for your continued support and we really hope you enjoy this one!
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