littlefuckslut - Homemade Meal Straight From Your Housewifes Ass [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

littlefuckslut - Homemade Meal Straight From Your Housewifes Ass [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

Do you really think I’d waste my home cooked meals on a loser like you? No I have something else for you. Eat my my shit straight from my asshole. Chomp it up and finish every fucking bite. You’re a worthless shit eating loser. The only thing that means anything to me is using that disgusting mouth of yours for my toilet paper. Wipe my ass toilet. Clean it all up. You better start eating or I’m going to shove it down your fucking throat. Do you want to be the loser that chokes to death on my fucking shit?? Then eat.
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LadyScarlet - Lady Scarlet – Close scat in chastity [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

LadyScarlet - Lady Scarlet – Close scat in chastity [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

I look at my slave with contempt and satisfaction. Contempt because from here, sitting on my throne, I see all his inferiority. Satisfaction because he is in chastity, and soon I will shit in his mouth. I order him to kiss the soles of my sandals if he wants me to get up and get closer to him. Performs. I give him my spit and sit on his face. Before becoming my toilet, I want to have fun smothering him under my ass and pussy. So he gets familiar with the area hahaha. He can’t breathe, several times he beckons me to stop but I insist. I want to brainfuck him, I want his face to disappear between my buttocks! Then all of a sudden I take the key of his chastity belt out of my panties, and threaten him that if he doesn’t eat everything I won’t open the cage for him. Seems to understand … Crouched on him, with my hole very close to his mouth, I shit slowly. I want to give him the chance to taste it, to chew it and to swallow it. Little shit come out, neither hard nor soft, and my toilet eats. From my hole to his, directly. After I feed him, I order him to clean me with his tongue and he now in ecstasy and aware of his submission does. I still show him the key… I wonder if he deserved the bird’s freedom…SCAT DA VICINO IN CASTITAGuardo il mio schiavo con disprezzo e soddisfazione. Disprezzo perchè da qui, seduta sul mio trono, vedo tutta la sua inferiorità. Soddisfazione perchè è in castità, e presto gli cagherò in bocca. Gli ordino di baciare le suole dei miei sandali se vuole che io mi alzi e mi avvicini a lui. Esegue. Gli dono un mio sputo e mi siedo sulla sua faccia. Prima di diventare il mio cesso, mi voglio divertire a soffocarlo sotto il mio culo e la mia figa. Così prende confidenza con la zona hahaha. Gli manca il respiro, più volte mi fa cenno di fermarmi ma io insisto. Lo voglio inebriare, voglio che la sua faccia scompaia tra le mie chiappe! Poi ad un tratto estraggo dalle mutandine la chiave della sua cinturà di castità, e lo minaccio che se non mangia tutto non gli aprirò la gabbietta. Sembra aver capito… Accovacciata su di lui, con il mio buco molto vicino alla sua bocca, cago piano piano. Voglio dargli la possibilità di gustarsela, di masticarla e di ingoiarla. Escono piccoli stronzi, nè duri nè molli, e il mio cesso mangia. Dal mio buco al suo, direttamente. Dopo che l’ho sfamato, gli ordino di ripulirmi con la sua lingua e lui ormai in estasi e consapevole della sua sottomissione lo fa. Gli mostro ancora la chiave… Chissà se si è meritato la libertà dell’uccelletto…
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Two girls chat in japanese sniff your cock for some reason, then they play with your cock for a bit giving you a handjob, then one takes a huge dump on your chest, the other takes a smaller dump, they then rub the shit on your cock wank you off till you cum, then the one that couldn't manage a big dump then lays a huge turd on your chest, whats not to like?
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Cleopatra - Leather Clothes Fart Mess [UltraHD 2K] Stuhlgang Porno

Cleopatra - Leather Clothes Fart Mess [UltraHD 2K] Stuhlgang Porno

I’m wearing my tight black leather leggings, black leather boots and leather jacket! Leggings hug my ass so tightly! I am going to fill it with my smelly farts and my nasty shit! I’m letting out some nasty stinky farts. They cling to my ass, unable to escape the tight material. I love feeling my farts bubble out of me! I can feel the warmth against my pussy as they try to get out of my tight leather pants! I love smelling my stinky farts! They are so smelly! Now it’s time to fill my legging up with my poop! The leggings are so tight that it is hard to push my poop out! I keep pushing and soon my shithole starts to open up! Oh! It feels amazing! I peel the leather legging off of me and show you my dirty asshole! Enjoy!
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BigTitsAlisa - My white panties are full of shit [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

BigTitsAlisa - My white panties are full of shit [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

You like to watch when a girl fills her panties with shit and urine, when trickles of urine flow down her legs and her panties protrude from the shit. I'm wearing a dress and panties, I first pose for you in a dress after which I take off my dress and pose for you in panties, I love to show you my body, after showing off my body I get cancer and shit and piss in my panties fill them with shit and urine, my feet trickle with urine my panties are full of shit, I take off my panties and show you my ass which is all in shit, after that I take the shit out of my panties with my hands and RUB the shit between my legs, my cunt is covered in shit, at the end of this video, I put my panties back on my body and pose for you again.
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littlefuckslut - Smelly Poop Handjob & Body Smear [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

littlefuckslut - Smelly Poop Handjob & Body Smear [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

Do you like watching me push out my poop? I like when you do. What should I do with it? Smell it? Rub it all over your dick for you? I love that I can be so dirty with you. Get dirty with me. I love it. Cum to the smell of my nasty smelly poop. I want you to cum! I'm your nasty little poop slut. I just want to make you feel good. I want you to cum to my body..Cum all over me.
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LucyBelle - The longest poop without opening buttocks [UltraHD 2K] Stuhlgang Porno

LucyBelle - The longest poop without opening buttocks [UltraHD 2K] Stuhlgang Porno

It was amazing, I didn’t do 3 days to prepare for I stand back and piss in my panties. Then I stand and poop without opening my buttocks. I keep my hands in front. I felt a warmth on my buttocks that did not go away as the poop came out of me. When I saw my shit on the floor, I was surprised. This shit is the longest buy I’ve ever made. It’s longer than my foot! And thick and hard.
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