ModelNatalya94 - One day Olga in a diaper [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

ModelNatalya94 - One day Olga in a diaper [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

Hello friends and fans. Olga filmed this video all day. Olga decided to make a good present before Christmas for connoisseurs and fans of scat, our fans and fans. In this video Olga is wearing a diaper. Olya decided to devote the whole day to walking around the city. She walked around the city, visited cafes and went there to the toilet. But Olya did not take off her diaper, she defecated every time in the diaper. Olga recorded all this on video and you will see small fragments from her day on this video. Olga went into public toilets twice and took pictures as she walked around the city. I went to visit friends. And when Olga returned home, she showed you what she had collected in her diaper for the whole day. Each time he became heavier and heavier))) At home, Olga undressed and showed how he sagged, this suggests that he is full. Then Olya took it off and showed that she had been collecting all day! I hope you enjoy her exclusive video and appreciate her efforts. Almost half an hour of amazing shots! Happy viewing!
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MissMortelle - Used as Double Toilet without Escape [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

MissMortelle - Used as Double Toilet without Escape [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

We look like two girls from next door, but we have already prepared our victim helplessly. Wrapped in mummification foil, our slave won’t be able to escape us. He will have to serve Miss Madison and me as a dirty full toilet today. But first, our slave has to lick the soles of our shoes. You can see close-ups of our shoe soles and of his slave tongue licking them. We spit into his mouth and onto his cock. We also jerk our victim a little bit, both with our hands and the sole of our shoe. Then Miss Madison makes the slave understand that she really has to use the toilet. He will now first receive her delicious pee and then open his mouth for her shit sausage. Miss Madison poops a big portion of scat directly into his mouth. Today will be tough for him and he feels that already…. Our slave chokes, but Miss Madison pushes her shit firmly into his mouth. I also give my piss first. Our toilet also swallows some shit pieces from Miss Madison, while drinking the pee. Now it’s time for my scat donation. I spread my ass cheeks over his face and squeeze out a long, sexy turd. I proudly place it on the face of our slave. His face is now decorated with a huge mountain of shit. He can hardly breathe under all this poop. Miss Madison and I leave him covered in shit and leave the room.
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ElenaToilet - Suck, Chew and Swallow [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

ElenaToilet - Suck, Chew and Swallow [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

I hope you are excited! And ready, I have some thick and hard shit for you! I want you to suck, chew, and swallow my shit – and more but you have to do it easy… but, I have a task for you… you have to fulfill all my nasty, depraved desire as if you were my THING! Until you’ve done everything, you’re not allowed to cum. I’ll torture you with delicious smelly pleasure until you just can’t stand it. Are you ready for the task?
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Victoria, Nicole, Saori Kido - Shit Job [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

Victoria, Nicole, Saori Kido - Shit Job [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

Saori isn’t doing the job of taking care of Victoria and Nicole's house very well, so they decide to teach a lesson to this useless maid! They just start sitting on Saori's face, leaving her breathless, but soon they realize that’s very soft to her… Well, if she does a shit job for them, why not tit for tat? While Victoria and Nicole kiss and suck each other, they shit in Saori's face and make her swallow all the digested food! Now, this loose slave will think twice before not cleaning the house right!
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Poo Revenge on Pervy Boss - Bastienne's Butt Butter [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

Poo Revenge on Pervy Boss - Bastienne's Butt Butter [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

Work from home SUCKS now that my pervert boss decided to record everyone during work hours. He also insisted that we install cams UNDER our desks because he's a total scum bag. He insisted that we dress professionally and stick to a regular 9-5 work schedule. Speaking of 'rEgUlaR', i actually take a big, stinky DUMP every morning. That used to be private but ... hey! Why not share it, right? If he wants to watch every-fucking-thing I do all day, he'll see EVERY fucking moment. Be careful who you perv on I guess!Nothing annoys me more than a picky eater and I REFUSE to let you become one! If you're going to turn your nose up at EVERYTHING that your Step-Mommy makes for you then I have no choice but to punish you accordingly. You want something that tastes bad? I'll give you something that tastes AWFUL and it'll be your only meal option until you get your attitude in check!
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MISTRESS GAIA - LAST CHANCE [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

MISTRESS GAIA - LAST CHANCE [FullHD 1080p] Stuhlgang Porno

MISTRESS GAIA - LAST CHANCE Today my new toilet slave will have to undergo the final test: if he passes, next time, he will have the privilege to finally serve me as a full toilet, that means receiving all my gift directly in his mouth and eat them all; if he fails, he won't have a second chance, I will dismiss him from my harem!!! I have tied him to the chair, so that he cannot.move, and I have tied a rope to his balls, just in case he needs a stimulus. I prepare his meal: a plate full of my delicious shit and a jug of my precious piss. Then I start spoon feeding him. The first piece is not too big, just to let him get accustomed to the taste, the following ones are bigger and bigger. He is not very fast to chew and swallow and sometimes I need to pull the rope and pinch his sensitive nipples but, spoonful after spoonful, all the shit goes into his mouth and down his stomach; in between, I give him a couple of glasses to my golden nectar. At the end, I am satisfied, he still needs to improve, of course, but he passed the test. Next time, his place will be under my toilet chair, with his mouth open, ready to receive and eat all his Mistress' precious gifts!!!! P.S. This clip shows a slave eating and drinking real shit and piss. Therefore, is not recommended for people who are not into this kind of stuff.Oggi e' giorno di esami per il mio nuovo schiavo-cesso: se lo supera, la prossima volta avra' finalmente il privilegio di potermi servire come un vero toilet slave, cioe' ricevere direttamente in bocca i miei frutti e ingoiare tutto; se fallira', non avra' una seconda possibilita', lo caccero' via dal mio harem!!! L'ho legato alla sedia in modo che non si possa muovere e gli attaccato una cordicella ai testicoli, giusto nel caso che abbia bisogno di qualche incentivo. Poi gli preparo il suo pasto: un piatto pieno della mia divina merda e una caraffa di delizioso piscio. Comincio ad imboccarlo, il primo pezzo non e' molto grande, giusto per farlo abituare al sapore, ma i successivi sono sempre piu' grossi. E' un po' lento a masticare e ingoiare e, a volte, devo dare una tirata alla cordicella o strizzare i suoi capezzoli che sono sensibilissimi ma comunque, un cucchiaio dopo l'altro, tutta la merda finisce nella sia bocca e giu' nel suo stomaco. Gli faccio anche bere un paio di bicchieri del mio nettare dorato. Alla fine sono contenta, ovviamente deve ancora migli.rare, ma l'esame e' superato. La prossima volta il suo posto sara' sotto la mia sedia toilet, pronto a ricevere e mangiare tutti i miei frutti. P.S. Questo video mostra uno schiavo che che mangia e beve vera merda e piscio. Eviti di guardarlo chi non ama questo tipo di cose.
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